Gut Health Reset


Details on the program are listed below, if you are interested in the new program, please send me a message.

Go with your gut!

We’ve been saying this for a long time, but are just now understanding the truth behind it; our gut is connected to our brain and vice versa!

The gut has A LOT of responsibility and has a major impact our overall health. My 8-week Gut Health Reset program is designed to gently guide you through the stages to calm and repair your gut.

Are you tired of not feeling well?

Symptoms of gut dysbiosis and/or instability isn’t always reflected in the location.

Yes, symptoms may result in gastrointestinal tract issues:

  • Gas, bloating
  • Intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut)
  • Irregular bowels (IBS) – constipation &/or diarrhea
  • Food allergies & intolerances
  • Food sensitivities
  • Gut dysbiosis (imbalance in microbiota of the gut)

It also impacts other areas of our health:

  • Mood – anxiety, depression
  • Aches and pains – specifically in joints
  • Skin conditions – eczema, acne
  • Lung health – asthma, environmental allergies
  • Cognitive function – brain fog, headaches
  • Hormonal balance – energy levels, stable temperature
  • Immune system strength
  • Weight management
  • Heart health – improve blood pressure, cardiovascular function
  • Function of your DNA!! – Intestinal flora actually regulate the human genome and therefore most of human metabolism.

All it takes is an imbalance in our microbiome to affect one or all of the above listed.

Did you know that genes can be turned on and off?

That means, you may have beneficial, health-promoting genes that are TURNED OFF.

Babraham Institute. “How good bacteria control your genes: Chemical signals from gut bacteria influence gene regulation in the gut lining.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 January 2018. <>

Good news: We can alter our microbiome through diet!

What can you expect from this program?

Your gut is like a garden. Your microbiome is the soil.

Just like a garden, your gut is a habitat. Stress, diet, and hydration are important to the health of your microbiome, and we have some control over these.

Your gut garden is a growing, dynamic environment.

As the cells in your gut regenerate you have control of whether or not they regenerate as healthy or unhealthy cells.

During this program you may experience the following benefits:

  • Improved blood pressure
  • Improved mood
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Regular bowel movements
  • Reduced systemic pain (in joints and muscles)
  • Improved brain function – thinking, clarity, and memory
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved ability to fight off infection
  • Clearer skin
  • Higher metabolism & weight loss

Order and timing is everything. In this program I will guide you through the right steps you need to take to heal and repair your gut.

What does the program include?


  • 60-minute Initial Consult before you begin the program to personalized your path
  • TWO 30-minute Follow-up Consults – one at the end of your low-FODMAP diet to ensure you’re on track and one near the end of the program to make sure you are set up for success post-reset
  • 8-weeks of Meal Plans scaled for 2 people including shopping list, nutritional analysis, prep advice, recipes and 7-day meal schedule
  • Short informational videos from me, explaining the method to the madness 😉
  • Access to a closed, secure online community so you can tap into support from other members in the program and/or directly ask me questions
  • Informational handouts to go along with the videos and provide you with resources for success after the program
  • Pre- and Post-program questionnaires for you.
This program is valued at $750

Phase 1 (Remove) :
  • 5-weeks of Low-FODMAP meal plans
  • Allergies vs. Hypersensitivities Guide
  • Low-FODMAP Diet Guide
  • Video: We define what low-FODMAP means and why we do it, and explain the importance of hypersensitivities

Phase 2 (Replace) :
  • Meal plan incorporating foods that naturally boost our digestive enzymes
  • Intuitive eating handout – what it means, why it matters, and how can we adopt it into our normal routine
  • Foods That Boost Digestive Enzymes Guide
  • Video: We discuss what digestive enzymes do for us and why we care. We also touch on other foods and lifestyle factors that effect digestion

Phase 3 (Reinoculate) :
  • Prebiotic and probiotic-rich meal plan
  • Prebiotics vs Probiotics Guide
  • Video: We breakdown prebiotics and probiotics and discuss the important roles they both play in the body. We also discuss how leaky gut occurs and what we can do to prevent it

Phase 4 (Repair) :
  • Gut-soothing meal plan; focusing on foods that strengthen and protect the gut
  • Go with Your Gut handout (further defines the importance of gut health)
  • 7 keys to ideal gut wellness – your guide for nurturing your gut beyond the program
  • Video: We discuss leaky gut further, how to protect the gut, and foods that help prevent inflammation