Food as Medicine


Just as the name implies, anti-nutrients are chemically active substances found in a plant that act in a way to fight against absorption of the plant’s nutrients. Some bind to nutrients and prevent them from being absorbed. It’s hypothesized that the reason for anti-nutrients to occur in nature is a defense-mechanism of plants to ensure propagation of their species.

Anti-nutrients were once thought to be all bad but then it was discovered that dietary fiber (once considered an anti-nutrient) plays an important, beneficial role in health. This has changed the thoughts around anti-nutrients and that we need to do more research around other prominent anti-nutrients found in the diet. 11

Pumpkin seeds have anti-nutrients but soaking them removes them.12

Flaxseed contain anti-nutrients, mainly cyanogenic glycosides. These release hydrogen cyanide in the intestine, a respiratory inhibitor, and results in the product thiocyanates. Thiocyanates interfere with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland, long-term exposure may lead to iodine deficiency disorders, goiter and cretinism. Flaxseed also contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper and iron. 13

  1. Nutritional Anomaly — Might Antinutrients Offer Some Benefits? Accessed October 16, 2018.
  2. Pumpkin & Seeds. Accessed October 16, 2018.
  3. Kajla P, Sharma A, Sood DR. Flaxseed—a potential functional food source. J Food Sci Technol. 2015;52(4):1857-1871. doi:10.1007/s13197-014-1293-y

Glutathione and Carnosine