• Nutrition Tidbits

    Strawberries Begin to Lose Vitamin C as Soon as You Cut Into Them

    Fall is upon us!! Which means strawberry season is coming to an end, but I thought I would share this interesting fact as we bid them adieu. Strawberries are high in vitamin C, but when you cut into them, the exposure to oxygen causes them to slowly lose vitamin C. For best benefits, buy whole strawberries and only cut what you need. Other health benefits of strawberries:– Blood sugar support– Cardiovascular disease protection– Antioxidant– Anti-inflammatory– Anti-cancer Interested in learning more about foods to protect you against heart disease? – Check out my post on The Mediterranean Diet Resource: Murray, Michael…

  • Food as Medicine


    It seems that the only time we hear something positive about carbohydrates is when elite athletes talk about ‘carbo-loading’ before a race. (See The Office, Season 4, Episode 2). Carbohydrates have a bit of a bad rap; the first foods that come to mind are pasta and bread, closely followed by...

  • Food as Medicine

    The Mediterranean Diet

    The Mediterranean diet is about more than just what you eat; it is also about following a lifestyle that is traditional to the surrounding area of the Mediterranean. Interest was sparked by finding countries surrounding the Mediterranean higher life expectancy and lower rates of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes...

  • Food as Medicine

    Mindfull Eating

    We are all familiar with how the saying goes, "you are what you eat"; but what we should really be saying is, you are what you digest of what you eat. It is important to understand that how we eat our food effects digestion of that food and hence, what nutrients we get out of it. With growing research in the impact of gut microflora on our health, the importance of taking care of our gut is more apparent...